Tuesday, March 27, 2012


We are an established Thai massage boutique specializing in traditional Thai massage , located in the mid of the bustling city with great environment, river view & one of the must visit tourist spot in Singapore . Started in 2009 & have since growing and reputed for our skill.

Traditional Thai Massage 

The Thai style massage uses both palm,thumb,elbow & feet to concentrate on the pressure points of your whole body depending on your preferences pressures . This massage includes stretching , to reduce fatigue & release tight muscles while improving blood circulation, relaxing the muscles & creating an overall feeling of well being.

Aroma-thai Oil / Thai-oil Massage 

Discover our aromatic & relaxing massage with a choice of special blended oil refreshing yet relaxing. Using combination of stokes & acupressure techniques.This soothing & relaxing massage allows the healing properties of these natural oil to penetrate into the skin which leaves both body & mind feeling completely relaxed.

Foot Massage 

Reflexology is based on the belief that the body contents constantly flowing energy or "chi" which unites with reflex points at the feet. This specialized foot massage assists in the relief of stress & tension of the leg & feet helps to improve circulation also to a restoration of the body's natural state of equilibrium.

Thai Herbal Compress

A traditional Herbs recipe of Thai plai root, tarmarind leaves, turmeric, bergamot peels ,camphor ,lemongrass & black herbal seeds are steamed in a cotton encased cloth to applied directly to the body. The herbal compress helps to penetrates through its heat & herbal directly into the skin relaxes sore & stiff muscles instantly.